@StadiumInsider on twitter posted this picture of Lonely Virgil literally selling 8x10s in the subway at Grand Central Station in NYC. He got less business than the guy selling deodorant to feed the homeless.

@StadiumInsider on twitter posted this picture of Lonely Virgil literally selling 8x10s in the subway at Grand Central Station in NYC. He got less business than the guy selling deodorant to feed the homeless.

  1. zeroliam reblogged this from shitthathappensonthemta
  2. shitthathappensonthemta reblogged this from lonelyvirgil
  3. sgtapwn reblogged this from lonelyvirgil and added:
    I honestly don’t know what I would have done if I saw Virgil on my commute to work.
  4. bennyonethirtyeight reblogged this from lonelyvirgil and added:
    Looks like Virgil should have signed up for one of those Discover cards advertised in the background with “job loss...
  5. rjxhxc reblogged this from lonelyvirgil
  6. jennywakemanxj9 reblogged this from wwaattcchheerr
  7. allforyoudamien reblogged this from cyberfights
  8. wwaattcchheerr reblogged this from cyberfights
  9. cyberfights reblogged this from lonelyvirgil and added:
    are you god damn kidding me
  10. attractivedecoy reblogged this from lonelyvirgil
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  16. simplyfussfree reblogged this from lonelyvirgil and added:
  17. nolarmade reblogged this from lonelyvirgil and added:
    The times am I right?
  18. dunnyboywilliamson reblogged this from lonelyvirgil
  19. zogblog reblogged this from lonelyvirgil
  20. designislaw reblogged this from lonelyvirgil and added:
  21. riser reblogged this from lonelyvirgil and added:
    Holy shit. This has to be the best/loneliest Virgil sighting ever.
  22. banalborefest reblogged this from lonelyvirgil
  23. lonelyvirgil posted this

Virgil is a self proclaimed "Wrestling Superstar."  He wrestled for a time in the early-mid 90s, having lost almost every match, and now spends his days showing up to places, usually uninvited, to try to hustle people in to paying for an autograph.

Have you seen Wrestling Superstar Virgil looking lonely? Hash tag #LonelyVirgil to @LonelyVirgil on twitter with photos and/or videos, and your experience could be chronicled here.

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